Events for March 21, 2023 - October 13, 2021

Reducing Food Waste in New Jersey: Strategies to Prevent, Donate, and Divert Waste

Did you know that up to 40% of food grown and imported into the U.S. is wasted? This represents an opportunity for businesses and institutions to implement wasted food management practices that save money, benefit society, build customer loyalty, and improve the environment. With New Jersey’s Food Waste Law taking effect in October, businesses are

Reducing Food Waste in K-12 Schools: Strategies for Prevention, Donation, and Recycling

Did you know that up to 40% of food grown and imported into the U.S. is wasted? This represents an opportunity for schools to implement wasted food management practices that save money, benefit society, build student engagement, and improve the environment. Join this virtual workshop hosted by the Center for EcoTechnology (CET) to learn about

Philly Talks Trash: A Virtual Series on Waste

Litter, open dumping, lingering garbage from missed pick-ups and unmanaged public receptacles, waste is polluting our Philadelphia neighborhoods, landscapes, and waterways. Plastic packaging of all kinds is so pervasive it is hard to avoid and next to impossible to recycle.  How can we tackle these disturbing issues where we live, work and play? How can


Food Waste Diversion for Businesses

At the request of the Salisbury/Sharon Transfer Station Manager, the Transfer Station Recycling Advisory Committee (TRAC), and the Salisbury and Sharon First Selectmen, The Center for EcoTechnology will present information about Food Waste Diversion to area businesses and institutions. The Center for EcoTechnology (CET) will share information about resources available to help your business or

Denver Restaurants: Implementing Food Donation Programs

We would like to invite you to a meeting of Denver restaurateurs to discuss interests and challenges to implementing food donation programs. This virtual discussion will take place on Monday, May 16th from 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM. The discussion will be facilitated by the Center for EcoTechnology (CET). CET helps businesses review solutions to

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