For the past two years, the Center for EcoTechnology (CET), an environmental non-profit, worked with the Philadelphia Zero Waste and Litter Cabinet and other local partners – food rescue organizations, haulers, composters, food businesses – to help foster prevention and recovery activity, and to uncover local, notable examples. With support from the Claneil Foundation, CET focused on catalyzing food waste prevention and recovery activity. We hope you are as inspired by these stories as we are and will share them on your social media accounts.
View or download the full Wasted Food Solutions: Spotlights from Philadelphia PDF here.
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The Rittenhouse:
A Zero Waste Partner
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The Rittenhouse became the first hotel partner of Philadelphia’s Zero Waste Partnership (ZWP) Program! The Rittenhouse is implementing several qualifying actions across all of their waste streams; related to food waste, they are donating excess food and implementing a composting program. Through these efforts, The Rittenhouse diverts over 20 tons of organics from the landfill every year. #ZeroWastePhillySpotlight
The Rittenhouse became the first hotel partner of Philadelphia’s Zero Waste Partnership Program! They are both donating excess food and #composting! Through these efforts, The Rittenhouse diverts over 20 tons of organics every year. @TheRittenhouse #ZeroWastePhillySpotlight

The Brown Family’s Supermarkets:
Food Donation and Composting
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Brown’s Super Stores operates six ShopRite/Fresh Grocer supermarkets in Philadelphia. Brown’s mission and operations are built on a ‘triple bottom-line’ ethos of Good for the People, Good for the Environment and Good for the Business. In the last year, Brown’s Philadelphia stores donated 182 tons of food, the equivalent of 363,488 meals, and saved $15,000 in hauling and tipping fees! #ZeroWastePhillySpotlight
Brown’s Super Stores’ mission is being “Good for the People, Good for the Environment and Good for the Business”. In the last year, Brown’s Philly stores donated 363,488 meals and saved $15,000 in hauling and tipping fees! @brownschefsmkt #ZeroWastePhillySpotlight

Philadelphia Parks & Recreation:
Food Rescue
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The city of Philadelphia’s Parks & Recreation Department (PPR) operates over 130 rec centers across the city, which become popular neighborhood day camps during the summer. In 2015, PPR piloted a food rescue program to recover excess food from summer meals and donate it to community organizations serving food insecure individuals. Over four years the program has expanded and during the summer of 2019, a total of 3,447 lbs. of food were rescued, the equivalent of 2,252 meals! #ZeroWastePhillySpotlight
The Philadelphia’s Parks & Rec Dept. have a #foodrescue program to recover excess food from meals and donate it to food-insecure individuals in the community. During their 2019 summer camp, 2,252 meals were rescued! @PhilaParkandRec #ZeroWastePhillySpotlight